
Harold Stoll
Harold Stoll was born in Windsor on October 26, 1920, to Peter and Katherina (Bechthold) Stoll. He grew up in the Windsor area and graduated from Windsor High School in 1938 with a class size of 32 and married his high school sweetheart, Emma Miller in 1944. After graduation, he enlisted in the US Navy. Upon his return to Windsor, Harold managed the Windsor Elevator after his father Peter Stoll, and ran various other grain and flour mills, during his career.
He served on the Windsor Town Board starting in 1950 and as Mayor of Windsor from 1952 – 1956. In 1954 he proclaimed March 5 th to be a Day of Prayer “for a better world for all people to remember the needs of our nation, and all other nations: and in 1955 proclaimed May 28th as Poppy Day and called upon “everyone to wear a Poppy as evidence of our gratitude for the sacrifices made in defense of our freedoms”.
Active in fraternal organizations, he served as Exalted Ruler of the Monte Vista Elks Club, as well as serving various chairs in the Windsor Masonic Lodge. He was known as one of the friendliest guys on “main Street.”
Harold was involved in the formation of the first Windsor Chamber of Commerce that came into legal existence at a meeting of representatives of local businesses and was elected as one of nine directors.
He was instrumental in the founding of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR). And was a life-long member of the Windsor Severance Historical Society.
Harold was his family historian, and a marvelous storyteller. He was interviewed last year for his 100 th birthday. Harold passed away October 2, 2021.
We remember Harold Stoll today for his commitment to his community and fellow citizens and we recognize the ongoing dedication he provided by his valued public service and long-time affection and love for his community.
Marge Straube
Marjorie (Brunner) Straube was born and raised in Windsor the daughter of Vera (Fritzler) and Alex Brunner. Her grandparents settled in Windsor in 1912 on first and Main Street immigrating from Grimm Russia as a Volga German.
Marge was born in the hospital on 5 th and Main Street, delivered by the beloved town doctor, C. W. Sabin on his birthday, July 6, 1937.
She graduated from Windsor High School in 1955 in a class of 38 and attended CSU and then UNC to obtain her teaching certificate. A life-long teacher and educator she returned to Windsor in 1971 to raise her family of four with her husband Richard Straube whom she met in Estes Park one weekend during the Rooftop Rodeo and married in Windsor at St. John’s Lutheran Church on July 6, 1959.
Upon her return to Windsor, Marge became involved in her community as a girl scout leader, Sunday School teacher and as a museum volunteer. The Windsor Severance Historical Society owned and operated this building and the Windsor Museum until 2004 when they turned it over to the town. Marge’s involvement in the history of her community was two-fold as she served as the entertainment chair for the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR)I for 13 years. Everyone always looked forward to her evening jokes that led off the dinners.
Around 2004, then WSHS president Gene Morey and the board entertained the idea of oral history interviews with key people from the area who had important or interesting stories in history to share. Marge and Sue Buxmann were delegated to start this project. They created a list of people to interview then spent hours creating questionnaire sheets and preparing for the interviews, setting up and interviewing on site and then transcribing the recorded videos to VHS so they would be available at the library. To date the WSHS has filmed and recorded over 70 oral history’s that are available on video or UTUBE.
Marge was also instrumental in providing photos, context and text for the Images of Windsor Book published in 2012 and worked diligently to complete the “Coming Home” project in 2017 that serves as Windsor’s First commissioned statue in Boardwalk Park depicting the sugar beet, water and work history of the area after the WSHS raised over $230,000 to see this dream become a reality. She did an interview October 2013 that still plays in the Discovery Museum in Fort Collins.
Marge cherishes her years in Windsor and has many fond memories of all the organizations she has been a part of and served on.
We want to thank Marge Straube today for the love she has for her hometown Windsor and for the years she volunteered and generously gave to this organization to help ensure that the future may see, hear and learn from the past.