The WSHS met on Sept 24,2018 with Marge Straube, Gloria Gaslin, Hal Pearson, Kristie Melendez, Laura from the TOW and Sue Buxmann.

The minutes were approved.

The treasurers report was given. $12,945.25 in checking, $5,151.63 in savings & $3,254.50 in our CD. Deposits were 9 books sold for $180.00. Bills paid were $400 to Sandy Brug in December for website. $302.64 to Marge Straube for payment for website on her credit card, $82 to Marcia Will-Clifton for Hobby Lobby expense for art display, and Bank of Colorado to pay back credit card bill for registration for our organization with the state. The new address on the bank statement is wrong. Marge will let Elaine know to change it. Kristie submitted bill for $482.45 for Easy Chair Media for the brochures for the WSHS, and $397.20 for Vista Works for moving our website to a safer place.

Austin reported via e-mail that he had some complications with the statue and will send pictures soon.

Marcia reported that the artwork was delivered to the Bank of Colorado on September 6. Martin Lind will be the next recipient of the artwork. Kristie will get in touch with him to see which Logo he would like to use and then a letter will be sent and press release written and artwork delivered. Caitlin will prepare the new display sign w the business logo.

The new website has been set up. Kristie will cancel with blue host, the old one, and try to get some of our money back. The new website with Vista Works will cost $216.00 + $24.95 a year and we will receive invoices for it.

Kristie brought brochures and Hal took some for the Chamber of Commerce and Laura took some for the Art and Heritage Center. Marge took more for the Bank of Colorado.

Laura reported that they are getting ready to send some Beacons to Caitlin bought boxes to ship one decade at a time, starting with the newer ones to see how it goes.

Kristie reported that there are plans to have an all-school reunion on Aug. 31 the Saturday before Labor Day. We might be able to get our information out at that time.

The Town Hall Talk and Tours held Wednesday Sept 12 was small but successful. The planning was short notice and Kim Overhold handled it well. Sue, Marge helped with tours etc. Tom Buxmann, Tammy Boehler and Ruth Brunner helped also. They plan to do it again next year.

Octoberfest had over 1000 people this year. Only complaint heard was no German music!! It has already been booked for next year😊


Sue Buxmann😊