The WSHS met on May 22, 2017 (9 years to the day of the Tornado) at the First Christian Church with Marge Straube, Sandy Brug, Kristie Melendez, Hal Pearson, Eric Lucas, Thomas Chambers, and guests Gloria Gaslin, and John Kammerzell from the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.
The exhibit for the Windsor Community Recreation Center will be set up on July 3 (time TBA) and will be on display through July and Aug. The AHSGR will use two display cases, The WFD will use one and we will use three. Our themes will be water, (we will get a lot from the Poudre River Heritage Assn.) Churches, (We will see how much is available from the presentation that the students did from CSU) and our statue project. Severance was asked and was not interested.
We will receive three donations from Pikes, Bank of Colorado and Great Western for $5000.00.
Thank you Kristie for all your help! Pikes have made a deal with the Town to use the parking on the west side of our property and not park in front of the Art and Heritage and get all vehicles out when there is an event.
The concrete base for the statue hopefully will be poured next week if the weather cooperates. We would like to have photos taken for our club if possible.. The stone for our club information is at Colorado Stone waiting to be carved. The statue will be installed sometime before June 29 and will be covered with tarps so we can uncover it at the ceremony.
The ceremony will be held before the uncovering. Marge will be the MC and introduce our guests. We will have a speaker from PRHA, Austin, Kristie, Sandy, and we will ask some of the $5000 donors if they wish to speak. Sue will get in touch with the Chamber of Commerce and see if they will do the ribbon cutting for us.
We will mail invitations to the event to all of our donors. Kristie will get us a price on these. Special invites will be sent to big donors, The Poudre River Heritage Alliance, The Windsor Town Board, The Park and Recreation Board, Sue is going to send the e-mails that she has for members to Kaile to e-mail invitations to. Kaile will put the invitation on our home page. Sandy will put it on our Facebook page. Sandy is going to get in touch with all the news outlets and see if they are interested in covering our event. Kristie will talk to the manager at Safeway and see if we can get a deal for cookies and the small water bottles.
We are getting our Brick and a Book membership drive started. Kristie will let us know how much the rack cards are. We need to stress this is our 30 Anniversary celebration and for $300 you get an engraved brick, a book and a premiere membership. If they want additional bricks they will cost $100. If they want only the brick it will cost $175. Other memberships will be Seniors $30, Individual $50, Family $100, and Corporate $150. This will be put on our website. We will try to be at all of the concerts and promote our membership drive and sell books starting with the All Town BBQ on June 8,2017.
We will participate in the Open Farm at Von-Trotha-Firestien Farm on June 10, 2017. Be there at 11:30 am to set up. The address is 30951 WCR 27. Sandy put a small ad in the brochure to promote our membership drive.
Kristie reported that Dean at KW printing still has the designs that the Chamber used many years ago on sweatshirts of old time pictures of Windsor. We could have T-shirts made and sell them and he would give us $5 from each shirt. Something to think about.
Sue Buxmann