The WSHS met on February 25,2019 with Marcia Will-Clifton, Gloria Gaslin, Marge Straube, Kristie Melendez, Laura Browarmy, Katherine Mercier, Sue Buxmann, and Elaine Schlouthauer. 

The minutes were approved.

Elaine reported that we have $14,805.51 in checking, $5164.56 in savings, and $3263.38 in a CD. We received a payment for $175.91 from GW oil.

We will get the membership drive out ASAP. Sue will get all the names to Kristie and she will get them organized. Sue will send her the latest membership letter to be updated. We will get more brochures to send with all of the new information to be sent with the letters. We will get together to place them in envelopes and mailed. Dues are due now.

The statue dedication was discussed and the consensus is that it should be the Saturday before Mother’s Day, May 11, 2019. We can use the Art and Heritage for refreshments if we like. We could give flower seeds to all of the mothers. 

Marcia would like to get the Art Work moved. She will talk to the Pike Family to see if we can put it there.

We would like to put a big pot of plants like what is around the downtown area by our statue and dedicate it to Sandy Brug. We would like to put a bronze plate on it in her memory. We will check on this possibility.

We will meet with Judy Firestein next week and discuss the Poudre Pour. Some suggestions were to enlarge a photo for a fun photo op for the people there. Kristie reminded us that she has all of the old postcards scanned and maybe we could use them. Another suggestion was to serve pretzels to go with the beer😊

Sue read the bylaws that were revised in November of 2017. Article 6, Section 3. In the event of a Presidential vacancy, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President for the remainder of the term of office. 

Hal would like to ask some of his artist friends to create an emblem for the WSHS.

Because of the parking problem at the Christian Church Gloria will ask at Bethel Lutheran 328 Walnut Street if we could meet there. 


Sue Buxmann

Addendum; We held elections in January 2018. Our annual meeting was designated to be held on the fourth Monday of June in 2018.

Our meetings from now on will be at Bethel at 10am on the fourth Monday of the month.