The WSHS met on Aug 29, 2016 at the Art and Heritage Center with Caitlin Heusser, Eric Lucas, Stephanie Beaman Museum Coordinator, Sandy Brug, Hal Pearson, Thomas Chambers, Marge Straube, Gene Morey and Sue Buxmann.
Marge’s credit card was charged for the web site. We are not sure where the bill went as it was sent to an e-mail address and they will not give that information out. Sandy will check on this and see if we can get this straightened out before we lose our web site due to an expiration date on Marge’s card.
We received a donation of $5000.00 from Extraction Oil and Gas LLC.
The potential date for our party is Sept. 29. Details will follow later.
Sandy is going to get the rest of our money from Pay pal and hope we have no more dealings with them.
We received a royalty check from GW Oil for $101.71.
Austin and Eric discussed what was needed for the base of the statue. Eric will present it to the Town Board.
Austin is sculpting the farmer and the pump at this time. We will try to go visit soon and put updates on Facebook.
It was suggested that we feed stories to the Beacon and the Now about our project.
A membership drive was suggested and will take place soon.
Marge would like to have more DVD’s done and Eric suggested she get in touch with Eric Johnson at the Windsor Middle School for help because we no longer have the equipment to do this.
It was suggested that we put some of the DVD’s on our website. Sandy will check with Kailie to see about a YouTube account.
We adjourned to Boardwalk Park to look at the location for the statue. We all agreed on the location close to the entry way.
Respectfully submitted
Sue Buxmann