The WSHS met on August 27,2018 with Marge Straube, Gloria Gaslin, Kristie Melendez, Hal Pearson, Sue Buxmann, Caitlin Huesser, Marcia Will- Clifton and Carolyn Figal.

Our new address is PO Box 442.

We will dedicate the statue on Dec 1 at Windsor Wonderland at Boardwalk Park. Sue will get in touch with Austin for further communications with him due to Sandy’s illness.

Marcia is working on a press release and letter to coincide with the Art project. We will not do anything at the concert on Sat. night before Labor Day. We will start displaying the picture at the Bank of Colorado and then other businesses that donated to the statue. Marcia purchased a table and easel to display them. Kristie had the brochure that we will put with it to look at. Sue and Caitlin will send her high-density pictures to use on the brochure. We will order 200 brochures for the display. Kristie is ordering Lucite holders to display them.

Kristie will work to get our website moved to a better hosting site. We should be able to have pay pal on it without all of the problems we had before. There will be charges for it and we won’t get the money we just paid back from our web host now.  This is something that needs to be done ASAP.

Great news!!! The Town of Windsor museum is now the proud owners of all the old Windsor Beacons and Poudre Valley News from the 1898 to 2011. The Coloradoan gave all of the papers to them after 3 years of negotiations. The Library has the Beacons that they have on file digitalized and on the computers at the Library only.

Caitlin will see that the trash in the creamery will be taken care of. All of the trash beside the building is gone.

Hal would like to get our books into the gift shop at the Visitors center in Ft Collins. Sue will check on the price that we paid for them and let him know. He will talk to them and see if they will buy the books from us.

The Bill Kirby interview was canceled due to his health.

Gloria sold 5 books at her class reunion.

Octoberfest will be Sept 22 at 1:00pm at Boardwalk Park.


Sue Buxmann