Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society  

September 23, 2024  

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, September 23, at  10:00 a.m. at the Windsor History Museum Train Depot. In attendance were Dan Meyers,  Gary Martin, Tammy Boehler, Ruth Brunner, Laura Browarny, Marcella Johnson, and Judy  Firestien.  

Call to Order – In Kristie’s absence, Judy called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.  Monthly Reports/Approvals  

August Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on August 26, 2024 were  reviewed and approved as presented.  

Treasurer’s Report – The August bank statement showed the balance in checking was  $8,194.60. The balance in savings was $14,768.84. The current balance for the CD was  around $20,916.40.  

Membership Drive Update – There was no report on membership.  

Old Business  

Farm Tour/Home School Farm Day – Oct 10, 2024, 10 am to 2 pm – Judy had prepared  an overview of the groups involved and responsibilities for each group. Ruth will stop by to  take photos and video while being sensitive to kids being in the photos. There was some  additional discussion on details for the day with regard to snacks, info to include in the  cloth bag, stickers, membership brochure, history booklet, etc. In addition to the  programming provided by the Town of Windsor Museum staff, participants will include  Davis Family Livestock with three different breeds of sheep, and the Poudre Learning  Center which will have a staff member appear as Rattlesnake Kate and another staff  member who will talk about wildlife and natural resources. They will also bring their “hay  wagon” to give rides around the property and will donate booklets to be included in the  bag. Several FFA students from Severance High School will participate and help. Mini  pumpkins may be donated by Tigges Farm to the first 50 families and the WSHS may  purchase more, if necessary. Vouchers will be provided for a free pumpkin. Gary will be  there to help with set up. Things are in good shape for the day. 

Legends and Lessons Event – November 10th, 2024, 2-5 pm – The event will be at the  Art and Heritage Center. The first set of nominees are Leona and Vic Bernhardt. There  was discussion about nominees. Ideas included Kodak employees such as Bob Hogan,  Charlie Tucker’s dad, Glen Tucker (rail station manager), Lion’s Club, Tom Morey, people  who donated buildings/helped save buildings, oral history interviewees, Mildred McCall,  Helen Casten, Anna Caroline Teller, Charles Frye, and Linda Cumpsten. Tammy moved  and Gary seconded nominees be Vic and Leona Bernhardt and Linda Cumpsten. Motion  carried. 

Membership Brochure and Farm Tour Sticker – Kristie will be finalizing for the  Homeschool Day.  

New Business  

Social Media History Posts – There had been previous discussion about Museum Staff,  Sam and Maya, doing some posts and being paid for their work by the WSHS. It might be  nice to try to kick this off before Legends and Lessons or in the New Year. This would  need to be revisited.  

Oral History Videos (UTUBE, website and updates) – Ruth reported she had heard  back from Rob Bradley, but they were travelling. She has also heard back from Tom Macy  and needs to schedule both. She will be doing the Claus interview and tour of the storage  shed and where there were sheep and cattle pens on Elm Street. She will also be  meeting with Joy Jackson and Donna Schmidt to interview and tour the cold storage.  

Windsor News – Laura reported they have started construction on both the Dickey house  and Eaton house and are dealing with asbestos and lead paint abatement. Several people  from the Dickey family have started to appear, although most of them live in California.  The great-grand niece of Robert Dickey, who built the house, stopped by one day. They  have been in touch with some of the Dickey great grandchildren and relatives of Gladys  Dickey who was the last Dickey to live in the house. They are working on budget numbers  and hope to finish restoration of halfway house and the red barn next year. There are  plans to possibly have Museum staff offices located there.  

Severance News – Dan mentioned a working group with a presentation from Windsor staff  on open space preservation. Severance would like to keep the periphery of the town in ag;  stay as an ag town. There are quite a few resources available to do this. Dan brought  forward petitions to create a community gathering place for the Town in the Old Town Hall  or the vet building or a new building south of the municipal building by the gardens. The  Citizens Advisory Board was more in favor of building a new building that fits their needs  rather than renovating an old building. Town Hall could be kept as a heritage center.  Windsor has started discussing a second rec center and Severance might want to work  with Windsor in the future on these ideas. Severance will continue to discuss while they  work on their CIP projects.  

Board Communications – Ruth had a conversation with one of the Lindblad sons about  the books and the possibility of reprinting. 

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be on October 28th at the Depot. The meeting was  adjourned at 10:56 a.m.  

Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary