Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society  

March 21, 2022  

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, March 21 at 10:00 a.m.  In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Dan Meyers, Sue Buxman, Marcela Johnson, Ruth  Brunner, and Judy Firestien. A meeting with the Commerce City Historical Society had been  planned but was postponed due to weather.  

Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m. and everyone  wished Sue Buxman a Happy Birthday!  

Monthly Reports/Approvals  

February Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on February 28, 2022 were  reviewed and approved as presented.  

Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s report was not available, but there had not been much  change from the previous meeting. There would be a bill for business cards and name tags  once items arrive.  

Membership Status – Nothing new to report.  

Old Business  

Business Cards and Magnetic Name Tags – The business cards are printed and on their  way. A space has been left on the back for the person giving out the card to add their name.  Name tags will also be ordered for members and will include the new logo.  

Family Farm Tour Event Summer 2022 – There was discussion on the proposed Family  Farm Tour in late summer which would encourage parents to bring their kids out to see a  working farm. The tour might start at Judy’s farm and then a van would transport participants  to a couple of other farms where they would have a tour and learn some history. The group  would then return to Judy’s farm for a box lunch; it would be a half day experience. They could  also be encouraged to visit the Poudre Learning Center after the tour. A representative of the  WSHS would be on the tour to give additional information along the drive. There would be a  couple of vans available for a total of about twenty people. There would be a cost. Dan also  reported Severance Town Council has approved a $500 grant for seed money for the tour.  There was additional discussion on dates for the tour (maybe late-July, mid-August),  advertising (Activity Guide, Muse News, flyer, chamber newsletter, website, social media),  what crops could be seen growing or harvested or livestock to be seen, number of farm  participants (dairy, sheep, pumpkin patch), insurance, cost for tour (adults $20-25 and children  $15), lunch options, scavenger hunt, publicity, speakers to talk on importance of water or other  issues, and activities such as petting zoo/animals to touch. Participants would sign up on the  website and pay for reservations online. The focus would be for school age kids and  information provided at the farms should fit this age group.  

Dan, Judy, and Ruth would work on this project and be guides for the tour, in addition to Kristie  helping the day of the event. There will be a separate meeting to work on more details. 

Easel and picture WSHS promotion in a business – Sue mentioned she still had the easel  with picture of the statue and small table for display and suggested this could be displayed at  Kristie’s restaurant with information on the Society. She also has two other easels in her  garage.  

Membership Drive Mailing – Kristie suggested the cost this year for a membership mailing  would be around $650 for the mailing company to do. Maybe a postcard could be sent out this  year to current members for renewal and another postcard for potential new members. Dan  moved and Ruth seconded the membership mailing be completed at a cost not to exceed  $700. Motion carried.  

Windsor Update – April 23 photo event and video indexing – Laura was not able to attend  the meeting. Kristie reminded members the Windsor Museum would be hosting an open  house event that would occur on April 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Museum where  people can bring old family photos, especially related to Windsor, that could be scanned. They  will be scanned and indexed and returned to the owner.  

Historic Preservation Commission – Ruth shared with members that the Historic  Preservation Commission is having a reception at the Museum on Friday, May 13th from 5:30  p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Ed Stark will speak on buildings the Town has lost. There will be another  reception on Saturday. Plaques will be presented to owners of properties that have been  identified as historic landmarks by the Town and HPC.  

New Business  

2022 Legends and Lessons Event – Kristie suggested putting Sunday, November 6th, 2022  on the calendar for the Legends and Lessons Event again this year.  

2022 Video Projects – Kristie mentioned the Windsor High School class of 1972 is having  their reunion over Labor Day weekend and this could be a good time for capturing some video  of participants. This Labor Day is also the 100th Anniversary of the Windsor Harvest Festival.  Kristie has a call into Casey regarding how the Society could be involved with the Festival this  year. The WSHS might also be interested in a booth or sponsorship opportunities. Decisions  might need to be made fairly soon.  

Judy mentioned the Germans from Russia group would be having a picnic lunch at her farm on  June 11th and this might be a good opportunity for display of the easel and WSHS information.  The WSHS is also a member of AHSGR.  

Tails of Tailholt 2 – Kristie had talked with Sandy Lindblad who had written part of the original  book and asked if she would be interested in writing the next Tailholt 2. She wanted to talk to  Connie and think about this and the Society would need to figure out details also, but Kristie  had planted the seed for now. Ruth wondered if a book similar to the Images of Windsor  photographic history book could be done.  

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be April 25th, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was  adjourned at 11:12 a.m.  


Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary