Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society 

June 27, 2022 

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, June 27th at 10:00 a.m.  In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Sue Buxmann, Dan Meyers, Laura Browarny, Marcela  Johnson, and Judy Firestien.  

Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.  Monthly Reports/Approvals 

May Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on May 23, 2022 were reviewed and  approved as presented. 

Treasurer’s Report – Kristie gave the Treasurer’s report as provided by Elaine, stating the  balance in checking was $11,774.32 and the balance in savings was $23,522.89. This  includes all the checks received to date for memberships. Sue added she transferred  $172.73 from Paypal which included sale of one book for $20 and a business and individual  membership. 

Membership Status – Kristie reported the Society is now at about 30 members with the last  membership drive and she anticipates a few more memberships to be received via mail. The  mailing cost the Society about $625 which paid for itself and brought in some new  memberships and renewals. 

Old Business 

Family Farm Tour Update – Kristie handed out some rack cards for people to display.  Kristie has some on display at the restaurant and the information on the Family Farm Tour is  also on the home page of the WSHS website with instructions for registering. Laura will let  the group know when registrations are received. Ads were created and Laura will include this  in the September-December Activity Guide (which comes out in August) and will also include  social media posts. Dan handed out some rack cards at the summer concerts in Severance.  Town of Severance will promote also. An ad could be sent to the Windsor Chamber for their  newsletter. Dan and Judy met with Kathy Rickart at Tigges Farm to confirm their participation.  The tour can also travel between the Tigges and Firestien properties and see the irrigation  ditch along the way. The group might want to do a test run of the route to estimate timing  and what other items can be pointed out along the way such as a field of sugar beets and the  Museum buildings. 

Legends and Lessons Event – November 6, 2022 – Inductees into “Hall of History” – There  was discussion about inducting the video interviewees into a “Hall of History” and awarding a  plaque and recognition. The Board could decide on inductees and announce before the  event. Three to five people could be honored at the event in addition to honoring last year’s  interviewees. Kristie asked the Board to think about people to induct and what they were  most known for. Names might be engraved on a larger plaque and displayed; possibly by  Sandy Brug’s memorial on the corner by the Museum and include Sandy’s name as the first  honoree. Inductees should be decided on in July so that their videos can be transcribed.

2022 Video Projects – Ruth has tried to contact Bruce Florquist but we are unsure whether she has been able to complete an interview. She will be available to do video interviews over  Labor Day weekend for the 1972 Class Reunion and 100th Anniversary of the Harvest  Festival. Kristie had not heard back from Casey regarding whether anything special was  being done for the 100th Anniversary. Tom Buxmann could be a good person to interview as  he was Parade Marshall many years ago and could tell about the involvement of the Fire  Department for many years. Debbie Harper and her husband were involved for many years  also. It might be nice to get a group of people together to interview.  

Tails of Tailholt 2 – The Lindblad Sisters and Louann Kadlub could act as editors, but a  person needs to be found to take this on as a project for a college or high school student or  writing or history class or college department. Dan would check with the new Severance  High School Principal. 

Windsor News – Nothing further to report. 

Severance News – Dan is trying to explore promoting art and history together in the Town. 

Easel and picture WSHS promotion in a business – Kristie will check to see if the picture  and easel could be displayed at the Severance Town Hall next.  

Invoices – Kristie asked for approval of several invoices. The domain name came due for  $24.95 and was paid. There is an invoice for design time (3 hours), rack cards (250 at $145)  and farm art piece ($15) totaling $355. The Board approved these fees. 

Kristie also brought to the Board’s attention that the Windsor Chamber of Commerce is  printing their first ever tourism publication called “Discover Windsor”. Approximately 30,000 copies will be distributed to households and welcome and visitor centers. Funds received  from the Town are being used towards the ads which allows them to be offered at 40% off.  Laura will write a page on the history of Windsor and WSHS will provide some photos. Kristie  wondered if the WSHS wanted to have a presence with an ad to promote the Society. After  some discussion, Sue moved and Marcela seconded the Society include an 1/8 page ad for  the price of $239.40 in the Discover Windsor publication. Motion carried. There would also  be some design time involved to create the ad. 

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be July 25, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was  adjourned at 10:55 a.m.  


Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary