Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society  

January 23, 2023  

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, January 23 at 10:00  a.m. In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Laura Browarny, Dan Meyers, Marcella Johnson,  Ruth Brunner, and Judy Firestien.  

Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. 

Monthly Reports/Approvals  

November Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on November 28, 2022 were  reviewed and approved as presented.  

Treasurer’s Report – Kristie reported the balance in checking was $14,405.51. The balance  in savings was $5,541.16. As previously discussed, a CD had been opened with $20,000. A  $5,000 donation had been made by Marge Straube.  

Membership Update and Status – There were no updates on membership. Kristie had sold  two books at the restaurant. A membership drive was planned for May.  

Old Business  

2023 Video Projects – There was discussion about videos, getting videos connected with  the website and YouTube and ideas for more interviewees. The Town has fully transcribed  maybe a dozen videos. The transcript will become part of the description for the video when  uploaded and that then allows words to be searchable.  

Kristie suggested looking at the Commerce City website which has a lot of great photos and  historical information. Kristie would like to see the WSHS website have more information like  this. Laura, Kristie and Kailee would get together to discuss. It was decided to pause and  organize the videos and website before doing more interviews and come up with a process  for handling videos.  

Past and Present Book – There was discussion about a second book, efforts by the Town,  and the Society publishing its own book. The Windsor Historic Preservation Commission is  working on “beefing up” their website also. If others are working on projects, maybe there  could be some collaboration and information turned into a book. It was decided to hold on  the book for now and see what the Town comes up with.  

Town and WSHS MOU – The MOU is in progress and Laura will bring to the group when  available. Kristie suggested being sure there is note of old artifacts and photos that were  turned over to the Town by the Society so that the Society still has the ability to access these  items. Laura confirmed these photos have been kept separate as WSHS collection. There  might also be items in the agreement such as use of the building for events at no cost and  keeping a Town staff member as a designated liaison with the WSHS.  

Kristie added that the Society should think about the idea of having a place to store Society  items. There would still be a possibility of having space at the old house at Judy’s farm, but  Judy has had a change of plans for now and currently has someone living in the house and  helping with work on the farm. Laura added the Town has their collection at the new Public 

Works facility and there could be a possibility of partnering with WSHS to house items there  with the Town taking care of things in a temperature/climate-controlled building and the Town  being able to use the items in exhibits, etc. There might also be a community research area  created. This would be a good partnership with the Town being able to offer preservation,  safety, and staff assistance. The Society would plan to tour the facility in the Spring; have the  monthly meeting there first and then tour.  

Windsor News – Laura reported there is an RFP out for a contractor to do construction on  the Halfway Homestead, Dickey Farmhouse, and Eaton House. They hope to have these  two historical sites ready to work from in 2024. There may be some meeting space coming  available at Dickey Farmhouse that WSHS might be able to use. There was some additional  discussion on a place for listing names for history legends, possibly at Boardwalk Park.  

Severance News – Dan mentioned he won’t be able to ask for a donation from Severance  this year, since he is on the Town Board, but suggested Marcella, as a Severance resident,  might ask the Board for a donation. Dan will still be going on a tour of a local dairy and could  report on that facility for possible inclusion on the Farm Tour.  

There may still be a Sponsorship Appreciation Event held in February and WSHS might help  as liquor sponsor. Dan also mentioned he has been the Severance liaison to the WSHS, but  he is coming up for reelection to the Board. He would still like to be involved and will still be  willing to work on the Farm Tour this year.  

New Business  

Marge Straube Donation – Marge Straube had made a donation and the Town will start  working on something for display of history legend names (discussed above).  

Old Newspapers from Martin Lind – Martin tore down an old house and found old  newspapers from around 1923 from Greeley and Denver between the walls as they had been  used for insulation. Kristie would bring these to the meeting at the Public Works facility. The  Town might be able to scan them.  

Clip/lapel microphone – Kristie will get pricing for a lapel microphone. Laura will send info  on what is used at the museum.  

Bethel Church Annual Donation – Ruth moved and Judy seconded a $150 donation be  given to Bethel Lutheran for use of the meeting room. Kristie will ask Elaine to do.  

Board Communications – Kristie showed an example of a calendar that the Society had  done back in 2002 that featured old pictures of all the schools. A calendar might be a fun  item to do and could feature 12 different old photos, include events at the Town and with  WSHS, as well as history notes on dates. The calendar could be printed in October for use in  2024. Bank of Colorado might be able to sponsor or WSHS could sell ad space.  

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be February 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was  adjourned at 11:09 a.m.  


Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary