Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society  

February 27, 2023  

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, February 27 at 10:00  a.m. In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Laura Browarny, Dan Meyers, Gary Martin,  Tammy (Buxmann) Boehler, and Judy Firestien.  

Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. 

Monthly Reports/Approvals  

January Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on January 23, 2023 were  reviewed and approved as presented.  

Treasurer’s Report – Kristie reported from the January statement that the balance in  checking was $5,541.16 (less the donation to Bethel Lutheran Church). The balance in  savings was $14,450.53. A CD had been opened with $20,000.  

Membership Update and Status – There were no updates on membership.

Old Business  

Town and WSHS MOU – A “sliver” of property next to the Creamery is still owned by the  WSHS and had been valued at about $13,000. Kristie and Laura had met to discuss the  possibility of some sort of exchange with the Society for Town of Windsor acquiring this  property. Laura presented a draft outline of responsibilities between WSHS and the Town of  Windsor Museums to be included in an MOU. These items to include meeting space, event  space, and collection storage space as well as staff time and caretaker responsibility by the  Museum staff. The Museum is in the process of becoming a Certified State Repository.  Laura had included values for the storage and staff time to act as an exchange for the  property. Longevity and having a permanent place for preservation of artifacts is important to  the organization. Laura asked for feedback on the outline and she would then work with the  town attorney to draft an MOU and hopefully there would be something ready to sign in a  couple of months. Terms for renegotiation could be added as well as specifying who has  authority to make a change to the agreement. The items would be treated as a long-term  loan and would be covered under the Town’s umbrella insurance policy. The Town has a  waterless fire suppression system and items will be photographed and documents scanned  and all preserved electronically also. A MOU is of great value to the WSHS as staff and  administration change over the years.  

Clip/lapel microphone – Kristie had gotten pricing for a clip lapel microphone to be used  when doing interviews. Dan moved and Judy seconded this lapel microphone be purchased  for $45.45. Motion carried. Equipment is housed with Ruth, but an inventory sheet might  also be created.  

2024 WSHS Calendars – Kristie provided estimated costs for creating a WSHS Calendar  which would total about $3,000 to include printing, shipping and design work. Calendars  could be sold for $10-15. This would be a 4-color, 100 lb gloss book with saddle stitch with a  four page cover and 20 pages inside with a hole drilled at the top. In addition to photos,  information could include important dates in Windsor and Severance history and future dates  for upcoming events. Tammy mentioned the 1924 high school basketball team and the origin 

of the “Windsor Wizards”. The calendar could recognize the 100-year anniversary of this  event. It would be good to have these done by August /September in order to sell them at  late summer/fall events (Severance Days, Harvest Festival weekend). Goals of the project  would be to recoup or raise money but it would also create awareness of the WSHS. Photos  will need to be selected; when touring the Town facility in March, photos might be viewed.  

Windsor News – Laura reported the National Association for Interpretation is using the  Halfway House/Jacoby Farm as a case study to do Certified Interpretive Planner training and  they will create an interpretive plan for the site at no cost to the Town. Kathryn also gets to  take the training. They hope to break ground for landscaping this fall after addressing traffic  concerns. Laura will also be working on a grant application to the State for window  preservation at the Old Town Hall. Laura would be asking for a letter of support from WSHS.  

Severance News – Dan mentioned the Town has been working on a policy for liaisons for  the Town Board members; responsibilities and authority of liaisons will be clarified, including  Dan’s participation with the WSHS. Dan may also be running a campaign this year for re election to the Town Board. He expressed some concern about time involved and timing on  his campaign and the Farm Tour. He will have more information next month regarding  commitments. There is lots going on in Severance. High school volunteers might be invited to  help with a booth at Severance Days or Harvest Festival. Severance has a Winter Fest also.  

New Business  

Year End Tax Return – Kristie visited with Elaine on what needed to be done for the year end tax return, which Elaine will complete. There are mineral rights associated with the sliver  of property and royalty checks had been received. Kristie asked Elaine to reconcile these  payments from the oil companies; WSHS wants to retain the mineral rights. Kristie also did  the periodic report with the Secretary of State.  

Updating Bylaws – The Bylaws had been revised in 2017. Some small revisions might be  made such as membership type and due date for membership dues. An annual meeting  should also be held to elect Board of Directors and Officers; this might be tied to the Legends  and Lessons event. There was some discussion about officers and number of directors and  voting authority. Kristie would bring revisions to the March meeting and the group might also  formally adopt three Directors. Number of signatures needed at the bank might be  addressed also. Mission and Vison Statements might also be added to the bylaws and MOU.  Everyone should think about this. 

Tour of the WSHS Collection at Public Works – The March 27th meeting would be held at  the Public Works location at 10:00 a.m. to include a tour of the collections facility.  

Joint Meeting with Preservation Commission – A joint meeting had been suggested since  this is the Town of Windsor designated committee charged with preservation in Windsor. A  more formal partnership might be explored for events and projects.  

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be March 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was  adjourned at 11:21 a.m.  


Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary