Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society
February 26, 2024
The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, February 26, at 10:00 a.m. In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Dan Meyers, Gary Martin, Marcella Johnson, Laura Browarny, Ruth Brunner, and Judy Firestien.
Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Monthly Reports/Approvals
January Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on January 22, 2024 were reviewed and approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report – Kristie reported from the January bank statement that the balance in checking was $4,751.05. The balance in savings was $14,667.91. She had renewed the CD in January at 5.00% for 12 months and the current balance was $20,916.40. There was a payment to Vista Works for $75 for changes to the website that was paid and there was a check from PDC that came in for around $200.
Membership Update and Status – No new memberships or donations to date. Membership information might be posted on Facebook, but the login information needs to be updated. Information could be shared with Dan for posting on the Severance sites.
Old Business
Calendar Sales – Kristie had turned in $48 to be deposited for four more calendars. There are maybe 20 to 30 calendars left for sale. The total for calendar sales is about $4,649 so far.
Town and WSHS MOU Agreement Status– On February 12th, the MOU was included on the consent agenda and was approved without any questions. Laura did attend the meeting. The MOU and resolution will be signed and the Town Attorney will start on the Quit Claim deed for the property. There is no timeline yet for turning over items. Laura and Caitlyn will meet with Kristie to take a look at her Mom’s items. Judy mentioned that Kathy Rickart from Tigges Farm had dropped a box to her with files from Coren Printing. She would make a quick list of what is included in the box and it could then be stored.
Laura mentioned CSU has a Public History program and they are required to do an internship. Maybe this could be a project for an intern to go through all the items and help to merge it with the Town’s collection. The Museum staff could supervise. The WSHS might offer a stipend (maybe $1,000) and the Town could match this amount. Someone might be interested in this and it would be graduate school credit. Laura would look into details and bring information back to the group.
Picture and Promo Placement – The picture and stand with the brochures is currently at Bank of Colorado. The Rec center by the history exhibit is a possibility as well as Clearview Library, but there are many kids that go through these places, so it might not be a good place since there is no supervision. During the Summer it could be at the Depot at the History
Museum. ENT credit union has made a donation; Laura would reach out to see if that would be a possibility for 30-45 days. Maybe it could go to ENT and then the Depot for the Summer.
Meeting Places for 2024 – With the MOU, the Town is to provide meeting space for the WSHS. A stipend has been given to Bethel for the meeting space over the past few years. Some Town buildings are being restored or are not available until Summer. Meeting space might be used at the Rec Center. The March meeting would be at the Train Depot at the Windsor History Museum (100 N. 5th Street) with a quick tour after the meeting. Kristie would let the church know and would give a donation for use during January and February.
Windsor News – Laura shared that Ron Steinbach, Windsor Town Board Member, reached out to her about WSHS and the Historic Preservation Commission somehow working together. The Town HPC’s mission is preservation of buildings and outreach and engagement with the State Historical Fund and promoting their services, while WSHS’s mission is preserving Windsor and Severance stories and artifacts. The missions are very different. Maybe a meeting with an open discussion would be helpful. They meet the second Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. Ruth added that the new Town Historic Preservation Plan includes a note that the HPC should work with WSHS. Maybe WSHS could join a HPC meeting in April or May (after Lent).
Laura added they are trying to get a contractor on board for the historic restoration of the Halfway House, Dickey Farmhouse, and Eaton House as one project by April 1. Hopefully, all those buildings will be fully restored and opening in 2025. Landscaping will be completed at former Jacoby Farm by the Summer. A new deck will be put in by the Depot this summer.
Severance News – Dan mentioned there will be a “State of the Town” event on February 27 at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall where the public can ask questions of the Town Board.
New Business
2024 Projects – 2026 will be the Sesquisemiquincentennial; 50th anniversary of the Museum and WSHS, 150th anniversary of the State and 250th anniversary of the Country. It might be good to wait and do a special project in 2026. The Legends and Lessons event will be held again this year. There was additional discussion on the Farm Tour and the idea that the WSHS partner with the Windsor Museum Education Staff to do a Home School Day. Laura would put Katherine in touch with the Farm Tour Committee (Dan and Judy).
Board Communications – Ruth will get back in touch with Fred and Kate Casten. She interviewed former Fire Chief Brian Martens. She may still interview Mary Anna Yauk.
Kristie will not be in town for the April 22 meeting; move or cancel to be discussed in March.
Next Meeting – The next meeting will be at the Train Depot on March 25, 2024. The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Firestien, Secretary