Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society  

August 28, 2023  

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, August 28, at 10:00  a.m. In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Sue Buxmann, Dan Meyers, Gary Martin,  Marcella Johnson and Judy Firestien.  

Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.  Monthly Reports/Approvals  

July Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on July 24, 2023 were reviewed and  approved as presented.  

Treasurer’s Report – Kristie reported from the July 20th bank statement that the balance in  checking was $8,038.75 which included a deposit of $2,380.59 for the membership drive and  an expenditure of $991.11 for the membership mailing. The balance in savings was  $14,558.81. The CD has a balance of about $20,000 and just renewed at a rate of 5% for six  months. Balances are healthy.  

Membership Update and Status – Kristie will get thank you notes sent out to members  soon. Currently, there are 35 active members and funds received to date were $2,480.  Another donation had been received towards Marge Straube’s memorial. There was  discussion over how to handle donations that come in from time to time. These names could  be added to the mailing list so that donors could be invited to events and membership and  participation could be encouraged. These special donations should also be noted. The  balance in the memorial for Marge Straube is now at $1,397.21.  

Old Business  

Town and WSHS MOU – The Town and new Town attorney have now agreed to keep the  language “in perpetuity” in the agreement. It would be the wishes of the Board that this is a  long-standing agreement. Hopefully, a vote on the final agreement can be taken at the  September meeting. The “sliver of property” would then transfer to the Town and the WSHS  would have a permanent place to put items which would be catalogued. The WSHS would  have a home for the organization. There was additional discussion about future meeting  places, times, and posting about upcoming meetings.  

2024 WSHS Calendars – Kristie has gotten photos and dates and will have her designer  start on the calendar. She hoped to have a proof to email out to the Board in the next couple  of weeks. Dan shared a few photos from Severance that might be included also. Space on  the back cover might be sold to sponsors to help with cost of the calendar. The minimum  number of calendars to be printed for sale will be 500 and could be available for sale starting  with the “Christmas in Windsor” event in November. Kristie will check on details for this  possibility. Realtors might be interested in purchasing these calendars for a closing gift. The  Chamber might like to have them for gifts to clients. Optimist Club might be willing to help  with a volunteer at a calendar table or booth. Windsor Chamber of Commerce also has  Ambassadors to help promote the Town. A table might be set up near concessions at the  event. 

Updated Bylaws – The Bylaws and membership status had been reviewed. There are four  Executive Board Members and the Bylaws call for having three additional directors. With her  agreement, Marcella Johnson was appointed as a Director.  

Kristie also shared the revised bylaws with changes as discussed at the previous meeting.  Sue moved and Marcella seconded the revised bylaws be accepted as presented. Motion  carried.  

Farm Tours 2023 – October 8th, 1-5 pm/Severance Days & Harvest Fest Parade  sponsorship update – The ad for the Farm Tour has been included in the Windsor  Recreation Activity Guide. There were ten kids who walked and passed out cards. Kristie  walked with them and 1,000 cards were given out at the Severance Day parade. The same  kids and same number of cards will be given out at the Harvest Festival parade. Judy would  update the booklet with regard to dates and any other updating so that they can be printed.  American Legacy Academy is owed $2,000 for the kids’ efforts. Kristi Martin is making 50  cloth bags and Kristie suggested having a different sticker each year to be collected by the  kids. Printing 100 4” stickers would be about $89, which was approved by the Board. The  Society still has the seed packets with the logo. These might be given out also for inclusion  in the bags or a small, plastic farm animal might be included. The “petting sheep” will be able  to attend again this year. Teachers might be interested in having a private tour for a class  grade in school and work this into the curriculum.  

Legends and Lessons- November 5, 2:00-5:00 p.m – Kristie will get an official invitation  ready to be sent out. Nominees for the event were discussed and would include Gene  Morey, Gloria Gaslin, Mary Alice Lindblad, and Virginia Lindblad. These nominees would  have their videos shown on the tv at the event, in addition to Lucile Apodaca, Maria Dressel,  and Jim Dudley.  

Severance News – Dan reported Severance Days had been a great event.  

New Business  


2023 Videos – Ruth had completed an interview with Gloria Gaslin and it is now available on  YouTube. Gloria was very appreciative and thought it was so kind to be remembered.  

Windsor Chamber Membership – Sue moved and Gary seconded the Windsor Chamber  membership be renewed for $225 for the year. Motion carried.  

PO Box Renewal – The post office box will be renewed for an annual fee of $176.  

Board Communication – Visit Windsor Guide – Sue moved and Gary seconded an 1/8th page ad be placed in the Visit Windsor guide for $375 (including the 20% discount) with a  small design fee included for creation of the ad. Motion carried.  

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be September 25, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting  was adjourned at 11:32 a.m.  

Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary