Windsor Severance Historical Society- Meeting Minutes July 22, 2019

Members Present: Gloria Gaslin, Tom Chambers, Marge Stroebel, Kristie Melendez, Hal, Carolyn Figal, Marcia Will-Clifton. Guests Nick Wharton & Lindsay Radciffe- Coombes from Town of Severance, Laura Browarmy, Town of Windsor Staff. Marge Stroebel called the meeting to order. Marcia was asked to take minutes as Judy F. was unable to attend the meeting.


Gloria will drop off list of people interviewed in oral histories to Ruth Bruner. Ruth’s e-mail address is

Sue had mentioned in e-mail that we received a donation check with incorrect amounts. Check will be returned to sender for correction.

Discussion about PayPal and monthly bank statements.

Sandy’s memory plaque pole needs to be replaced as it is too wobbly. Sue B. has talked with Eric with the Town.


Severance Days Discussion by Nick & Lindsay. Severance Art Society, Bracewell Farms & WSHS will share a booth, 10′ x 10′. Location is Lakeview Park on CR23 on August 17, 2019, 9-2:00 pm. The Town of Severance is expecting 1000-1200 people. WSHS table top display to include old photographs? brochures & books for sale. This year is 99″‘ for Town of Severance. 2020 will be 100″‘ Anniversary so emphasis on gathering Ideas from people attending about 100″‘. Discussed some promo ideas like fall seed packets, perhaps ordering some pins to give out. Marcia said she would talk with Sue after her return. Do we want to have display sign for Membership Drive? Display our Coming Home photograph at Severance? Marcia discussed her limited mobility on artwork outreach due to sprained ankle. Sue & Judy should bring canopy tent as it will be sunny & hot.

Kristie talked about Labor Day Weekend Harvestfest. Do we want to be represented during all school tours? Marcia will research old photographs with Caitlin for possible booth cut-out display for Windsor Wonderland.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 am. Marcia Will-Clifton