The WSHS met on April 24, 2017 at the First Christian Church with Sandy Brug Tommie Stetson, Marge Straube, Hal Pearson, Thomas Chambers, and Sue Buxmann present.

The interpretive sign has been ordered and the cost of $388 is much lower than anticipated.

We need to get the bronze signs ordered so we have them when the statue is dedicated. We stillhave 2 donors that say they will give $5000.00 but they need to do it soon so we can get their names.

We picked out a piece of sandstone but it will be too small. We need to pick another one out from Colorado Stone Craft or go to Pioneer Stone and find a new one. We need to do this before they pour the cement base which may be done in the next couple of weeks. We need to be there to take pictures.

Sandy is going to get in touch with Kathleen Benedict and see if we can get a check for the grant we were given.

Tuesday we will take part in the “Networking at Noon”. We will start our “Brick and a Book” campaign.

Sandy would like to personally recognize the people who had memorial money donated in their name  on the bricks.

Sandy got the code reader for credit cards for our iphones but Thomas said we need to get the chip reader also. This will be a $50.00 expense.

For our program when we unveil our statue, we need to have a MC. Decide who will give speeches. Do a ribbon cutting.Let the news outlets know. Decide if we want to serve cookies which might be to much expense. We need to have a tenporary sign with all of the names of our donors. We will send invitations to our members and donors. Hopefully this can be done by e-mail to save expense.

We will do the exhibit at the WCRC in July. We will talk to Severance and see if they want to do something. AHSGR agreed to do two. Suggestions for the others were paper dolls, irrigation, and Kitchen utensils and recipes.


Sue Buxmann

