Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society
October 28, 2024
The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, October 28, at 10:00 a.m. at the Windsor History Museum Train Depot. In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Dan Meyers, Gary Martin, Tammy Boehler, Ruth Brunner, Laura Browarny, Marcella Johnson, and Judy Firestien.
Call to Order – Kristie called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.
Monthly Reports/Approvals
September Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on September 23, 2024 were reviewed and approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report – The September bank statement showed the beginning balance in checking was $8,194.60 with a credit of $80 for miscellaneous items such as membership fees and a book. There was a debit of $282 which was a $100 donation to Bethel for use of the meeting room and renewal of the post office box for $182. The ending balance was $7,992.60. The balance in savings was $14,768.84. The current balance for the CD was around $20,916.40. It has been renewed for a one-year term.
Kristie had a few items for approval. The periodic report with the State of Colorado was paid on October 23rd for $25 and the annual website hosting fee of $360 was paid. Kristie will also be submitting a bill for items created for the Farm Tour and upcoming Legends and Lessons event. Postcard invitations had been mailed for the Legends and Lessons event and that cost was $150. Brochures (100) had been printed for $95. Stickers were purchased for $95. There was design work of 2.5 hours and purchase of the graphic for the sticker ($25), 1.5 hours for the invitation, and 5 hours for the brochure which totaled $585. Mailing for the postcards was $32.85 and cookies purchased for the Farm Tour were $39.96. The total amount to be submitted was $1,001.81. Kristie will also be asking for a check for material for the bags of $163.94. Marcella moved and Tammy seconded the total amount of $1,165.75 be approved for these items as listed. Motion carried. A small royalty check from PDC had also been received and deposited. The non-profit tax-exempt form has been filed with the IRS.
Membership Drive Update – Kristie reported there had been several membership renewals received and these funds had been deposited.
Old Business
Farm Tour/Home School Farm Day – Oct 10, 2024 – Debrief and Review – The Farm Tour 2024 was very successful! Kristie heard many positive comments; parents seemed to enjoy it, kids enjoyed it, the weather was great, and the time frame seemed to work for everyone. The FFA students were fantastic
and a big help with set up. WSHS may have identified some new partners in West Greeley Conservation District as they have an outreach person and they may be interested in participating next year as well as the Poudre Learning Center and Davis Family Livestock. The Cache La Poudre River National Heritage
Area has a great irrigation demonstration and they would most likely be interested in participating again also. The Museum is excited to do the event again and it could really be a nice event if we added more partners and educational activities. Homeschool kids could be the audience again in addition to inviting certain grade levels for field trips, especially charter schools. It might be fun to bring in a special guest
like Smokey the Bear, etc. The Town staff was great getting the word out and setting up and providing activities. Another thought would be to have FFA students manage a refreshment stand as a fundraiser for their organization. The bags were a big hit also; one little girl was wearing the bag as a backpack! The group would revisit in the Spring to make plans for 2025.
Legends and Lessons Event – November 10th, 2024, 2-5 pm – Kristie will prepare certificates. All the families have been contacted and asked to say a few words on behalf of the nominees. Set up and refreshments will be similar to past years. A microphone might be helpful, unless everyone can be seated in one room. Kristie will send out an email as a reminder.
Membership Brochure – Some brochures have been printed. Everyone should take a look to see if there are any changes or additions before more are printed.
There was discussion over putting an historic image on a t shirt that could be sold at the gift shop at the Museum. There could be a partnership with the Town as they now have the ability to sell things. For the anniversary year coming up in 2026, there could be some sort of commemorative t shirt, calendar, postcards, or cookbook with historic recipes put together. There are also local artists that might create something for use. There are lots of ideas and this discussion should be revisited early in January. The celebration events will be taking place throughout 2026. Kristie has Sharon Brunner’s postcard collection scanned and saved; these photos could be used for something special. Lots of great ideas! Laura added there will be a Committee from the Museum, HPC, and the Chamber, etc. formed to create something for 2026. There will be a big revamp of the exhibits in the Depot.
New Business
Social Media History Posts – There had been previous discussion about hiring Sam and Maya to help with being more consistent in doing social media posts and to include excerpts from MuseNews. It would be great to start this in 2025 as we are gearing up for the history anniversary year in 2026. Laura mentioned the Museum isn’t able to have their own FB page and this might be a way to partner to post Museum items on the WSHS Facebook page. This could be a great partnership! Staff would need accessibility to the Facebook page and would have the ability to post what they need to. Maybe set up a social medial calendar for postings and share with WSHS. Tammy moved and Judy seconded the social media partnership between Town of Windsor Museum and WSHS be pursued for mutual benefit. Motion carried. Judy would provide password information/set up administrators for accessing the site.
Oral History Videos (YouTube, website and updates) – There was discussion over the YouTube accounts; there may be two accounts for WSHS plus Ruth’s account where she posts the new videos. Kristie would ask Kailee to clarify and try to consolidate videos. Kristie will also ask her to put information on the website homepage to promote books and membership for Christmas. Ruth provided a list of recent interviews.
Severance News – Dan shared he had gone to the School Board meeting and thanked the FFA students and leader for participating in the Homeschool Day. Gary is still working on a request for funds to the Severance Board. It might be best to submit in 2025.
Windsor News – Laura shared that Katherine has accepted a position at History Colorado. It is a perfect job for her, but we will miss her. Her last day is November 6. Both Eaton and Dickey are underway. They are waiting to hear about a grant proposal in December to finish the Halfway House. Immediate funding has also been requested by the Town for the big red barn at Dickey’s.
Board Communications – The Windsor Chamber Membership is due. Kristie proposes the WSHS pause and wait to renew. Kristie went on the Cemetery Tour and it was excellent! One suggestion was that registration be made easier.
Next Meeting – The next meeting will be on November 25th at the Depot. This will be the last meeting of the year. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Judy Firestien, Secretary