Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society  

April 24, 2023  

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met at the Town of Windsor Public Works Facility  on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. and toured the Museum Collections and Archive  facility as led by Caitlin Heusser. The group then held their monthly meeting. In attendance  were Kristie Melendez, Laura Browarny, Dan Meyers, Gary Martin, Sue Buxmann, Tom  Buxmann, and Judy Firestien.  

Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 11:03 a.m. 

Monthly Reports/Approvals  

February Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on February 27, 2023 were  reviewed and approved as presented.  

Treasurer’s Report – Kristie reported from the March statement that the balance in checking  was $5,391.16 and the balance in savings was $14,450.53. The CD has a balance of  $20,000. A donation of $5,000 had been made by Marge Straube last year to be used to  create a memorial for the Legends and Lessons honorees. There will be around $600 to be  added to this from funds given recently in Marge’s memory.  

Membership Update and Status – There were no updates on membership.  Old Business  

Town and WSHS MOU – Laura had sent an updated MOU for review which Kristie will email  to the Board for review to be sure this outlines the thoughts of the WSHS. This agreement  had already been reviewed by the Town Attorney. The MOU would give the “sliver” of  property to the Town in exchange for a “forever home” for the WSHS materials at the  Museum Collections and Archives facility. Items might be digitized and catalogued by  Museum Staff. Kristie asked for feedback on the agreement from the group.  

Clip/lapel microphone – Kristie had purchased the lapel microphone with the debit card for  $56.15. An inventory should be created of these items used for oral history videos.  

2024 WSHS Calendars – 100th Year of 1924 National Basketball Championship – The  calendar could recognize the 100-year anniversary of this event and have more of a sports  theme. There was also discussion about old photos, including events or photos from 1924.  Laura may have staff who could search for sports and photos from 1924 through the Museum  system. There was further discussion on format of the calendar with regard to photos,  captions, milestones, selling ad space, sponsors, etc. Gary added this is the 100th anniversary of the Optimist Club and it would be neat to include a photo from the Duck Race.  

Windsor News – Laura mentioned the Museum is starting a transformer box mural program  with the Arts Commission. They will be calling for artists and sponsorships of boxes.  Loveland did wraps with large old photos on traffic control boxes.  

The Museum has 100% construction documents for everything at the Halfway Homestead.  They plan to break ground soon for the landscaping, to include rentable community garden 

beds, educational gardens, cooking classes, grain bin turned into a stage with event lawn,  water irrigation education area, playground, and more. Building restoration will most likely  happen next year. Eaton House is also starting restoration this year and will include a  classroom, visitor center, etc. The Creamery project request will go in for 2024. They have  plans to renovate and turn the area into a small plaza with the Creamery. This might also be  a place for the Legends and Lessons memorial.  

Severance News – Dan mentioned the picture and easel is now at Farmers Insurance office.  Maybe one of the new businesses that joined WSHS would put it on display next. Severance  is thinking about redeveloping the Road 23 and 74 intersection. The church has a lot of  history and was also a municipal building, schoolhouse, and 4-H building. Dan will push to  be sure the building isn’t destroyed by the Town. The Post Office is also a unique building  and was Town Hall at one time. There are a lot of costs involved with renovation. Laura  mentioned local designation of buildings and looking at State Preservation grants. Severance  is breaking ground on the new Library. The Time Capsule still needs to be organized.  

New Business  

Updating Bylaws – Kristie will make some changes to update the bylaws to how we are  currently operating and will present this at the next Board meeting.  

Farm Tours 2023 – There was discussion about continuing the Tours and keeping it a fall  event. There may be something to see at the Jacoby Farm by October. Something similar  could be done this year and also add a dairy tour. Dan will be touring Wolf Creek Dairy with  the Town of Severance and can inquire about tours. Dyecrest Dairy would be interested in  tours and Erin Barkey is the contact there. Dan and Judy had some concerns about time  commitments this year but will think about it further and a decision could be made at the next  meeting. Homeschool groups might be included and a fall Sunday afternoon with no Bronco  game scheduled at that time seemed to work well. Dan will contact dairies.  

Joint Meeting with Preservation Commission – A joint meeting could still be held  sometime with the Preservation Commission since they have a similar mission of  preservation. They meet in the evening. In order to attract more younger people, the WSHS  might need to consider an evening meeting.  

Mission Statement – The existing statement might be enhanced and a Vision Statement  created also. This might be used in the MOU as an active mission.  

Oral History Interviews – During the 2008 Tornado, there was a communication station set  up at the Fire Department. Interviews might be done with Terry Walker, Police Chief Michaels  and Fire Chief Brian Martens on how this situation was handled. Mayor Vasquez might be  included also.  

Next Meeting – The May meeting will be skipped and the next meeting will be June 26, 2023  at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 12:01 p.m.  


Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary